Corporate Management

Disappointment, not gold, was their reward. Over the next couple of weeks, many discouraged men decided to return home. Finally, only thirteen men—all Georgians, led by Green Russell—resolved to prospect further. They moved northward along the foothills for about thirty miles. Unbeknownst to the Russell group, another party had had the same idea. Fall Leaf […]

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Our joy knew no bounds, we huzzaed, whooped and yelled at the prospect of being loaded with gold in a few months, and gave vent to any amount of hisses and groans for our apostate companions that were making all speed for home. We congratulated ourselves, sir, that we inaugurated a new era in the […]

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Gold Mines




Birth Stones



Gold Bar Weight

The world's largest gold bar weighs 250 kg.

Where is Gold?

Gold can be found on every continent on earth.

Do you know that?

Gold is edible.

Gold In Space

There are Gold in Sun.

Water and Gold

Nearly 20 million tons of gold contain the World Oceans.


Our hair contains traces of gold.

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Corporate Directors

The initial discovery of placer gold, near where Denver one day would be, dated from June 1850, when a Cherokee party traveling to California panned some color near a small stream later known as Ralston’s Creek. As times worsened in the late 1850s, the siren promise of those few flakes of gold intensified—if they could […]


Auraria and Denver were rivals for two years, and then merged in April 1860. During that time, the news of gold in the Pike’s Peak country was still spreading like wildfire. Some newspapers seemed to compete to top previous stories. For instance, the Kansas Weekly Press (October 23, 1858) told of a kettle of gold […]

News 2017

All this excitement resulted from perhaps $500 worth of gold having been found over the summer, most of it in the Cherry Creek region. That averaged out to less than $5 per person in the Russell party and even less if one figures in the Lawrence group, which had not found any gold. Their consolation […]

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Disappointment, not gold, was their reward. Over the next couple of weeks, many discouraged men decided to return home. Finally, only thirteen men—all Georgians, led by Green Russell—resolved to prospect further. They moved northward along the foothills for about thirty miles. Unbeknownst to the Russell group, another party had had the same idea. Fall Leaf […]

En Corporate Directors

Meanwhile, by the time Cantrell reached the Missouri River towns, his imagination had long since taken wing. Initially he reported that the Russell party took out $1,000 in ten days; even more encouragingly, he “thinks if properly worked,” one man could make $20 to $25 per day. That was a month’s wage for many people, […]

Latest Articles

By Delores Louie
Gold Investing and Its Risks

Same as with the other investment type, the promise and the risk are also noticeable in gold investment. Knowing the risks associated with investing in gold and other precious metals usually begins with learning the related products physically as a good gold investment idea. Controlling the risk in gold investment entails finding a professional dealer, establishing a concrete idea regarding investment goals, and a strong knowledge of the market and industry of gold

Factors in Managing the Risk in Gold Investing

Here are the factors involved in order to properly handle those risks in investing on gold.

Related products

Reducing the risk of gold investment can be done once the appropriate product with the corresponding purpose has been invested as well.

Speaking of the gold market, a short to medium investment can be managed using the gold bullion bars and coins. The said products generally help to monitor the price rate of the gold bullion. For as low as 2% over the spot rate of gold bullion, the product can be bought, sometimes at lesser cost. Meanwhile, the cost of the certified gold coins usually have a higher cost of purchase. Unfortunately, these gold items can eventually overpower bullion for about a number of years.


Authorized dealer

A successful investment will not be committed by a professional deal. Moreover, dealer who have an honest attitude will not lead someone continuously into the bullion purchases having increase markups. Additionally, a well-established dealer with good rating and better business plus a bankruptcy attorney San Diego will be a great help in the investment process and will not lead to a risk.


Investment goals

For short term investors, they usually belong to gold bullion investment. Meanwhile, long term investors go after the certified rare gold coins. Purchasing rare coins on a short term basis may be dangerous in a way that investor do not have the ability to invest for a long time to regain the cost of investment. Furthermore, the danger of long term investment in bullion investment is about twofold. Yet, the gold coin investment may not work the same way and may be confiscated as well.

By Delores Louie
How Does the Crisis Affect The Gold Price?

The price of gold and the corona virus have had one thing in common in the last few weeks: the curve goes steeply NORTH! There is currently no stopping both the spread of the virus and the development of the gold price. There are, however, serious differences in one point: While states are trying to curb the rapid spread of the corona virus, Italy has already closed its borders and the whole country is already in quarantine, even the big banks are now behind the rising gold price. Instead of putting the brakes on and, as usual, countering this with short sales of paper gold, everyone is betting on further increases in prices and thus fueling the course fireworks. If you look even deeper and look at the enormous explosive force of the current crisis, gold is still drastically undervalued.

How does the crisis affect the gold price?

We have a toxic mix of: no or negative interest rates, falling stock prices, high levels of debt, no return on investments that seem safe, such as government bonds, and a general panic and uncertainty. Historically, investors in such situations always use raw materials, i.e. oil and gold.

But there is a problem with the oil. On March 9th, Monday, which was so devastating for share prices, the price of crude oil fell by 34%. This is the biggest drop in prices in one day in the history of the crude oil market. The price of oil has halved since the beginning of the year. If you calculate the crude oil price in grams of gold, we are currently at an all-time low. Crude oil has never been cheaper than now!

This slump has a political background, of course, but it’s not about an agreement, but rather a lack of agreement. Since the outbreak of the corona virus and reduced oil demand in China, the crude oil price has been under pressure since the beginning of the year. The OPEC countries wanted to support the oil price through a coordinated cut in production.

The talks between these countries failed at the weekend, and on the contrary, Saudi Arabia even wants to increase its production and thus further reduce the oil price. Nobody benefits from a crude oil price of $ 30 a barrel! In the USA, this just covers the funding costs, which are much higher here than in Saudi Arabia. This only shows how bad the imbalance is in the global economy.


By Daly Audrea
A Look at the Strength Behind the Gold Commodity

Gold investing is an option that financial investors turn to whenever they worry about economic and political conditions. To date, many are worried about the uncertainties posed by the U.S. political climate and the economic setbacks of Trump’s trade wars. That is why since 2019 up to the present, gold and other precious metals showed strong performances as investment commodities.

Gold and precious metal prices have risen dramatically and many prospectors believe the best days are yet to come ahead, until such time that stability in both political and economic conditions have been achieved.

Still, not all financial experts are inclined to put their trust in physical gold as the next best investment. Yet mining companies contend that they are tackling business interests as a whole, to which gold plays only second fiddle. Asserting that well-run mining companies can produce profits that can turn leads into solid investment performance.

In a way, this stance is true because even if a business is engaged in the production of gold, well-managed mining firms can further growth. They can simply invest in other types of businesses, particularly in products or services that are in demand in the communities where they operate prosperously. After all, not all financial investment strategies lead to the financial trading markets.

Other investment options include real estate, in which property and housing rentals are regarded as among the most lucrative. Still, when taking this route, one has to invest wisely by making sure the rental properties are under proper rental property management.

A Cursory Look at the Top Gold-Producing Regions in the U.S.

According to Statistica, the U.S. currently ranks as the fourth largest producer of gold on a worldwide scale. China, Australia and Russia are in the lead as top three. Canada is not too far behind the U.S. as the fifth largest gold producer.

The state of Nevada has maintained the reputation of being the largest producer of gold in the U.S. In 2018, Nevada gold mines produced as much as 78% of U.S. gold, which also represented five percent (5%) of gold produced worldwide for the year. The percentage equates to an equivalent amount of 5,581,160 in troy ounces or 173.6 in tonnes,

The following are the leading large cap mining firms operating in Nevada:

Carlin Trend Gold Mine

The Carlin Trend Gold Mine near Elko, Nevada is actually a mine series comprising four underground and 13-open pit mines. Owned and founded by the Newport Mining Corporation, this Nevada gold mine started operations in 1965 when gold was discovered in the area in 1961. It is estimated that annually, about 2.5 million ounces of gold produced in the U.S. come from the Carlin Trend mines.

Goldstrike Mine

This Nevada mining complex belongs to prominent Canadian mining firm Barrick Gold Corporation, which is also located in Carlin. The complex includes Betze-Poste, an open-pit mining site that is capable of producing as many as 1.50 million troy ounces per year. Next to the Betze-Poste area is the Meikle underground mine.

The Cortez Gold Mine

This Nevada gold mine is also known as the Cortez-Pipeline, located about 60 miles south of Elko. Originally a joint venture between Rio Tinto and Placer Dome, ownership subsequently transferred to Barrick Gold when it acquired Placer Dome in 2006 and another shareholder’s stake in 2008. The mine boasts reserves of 13 million ounces of gold, whilst capable of producing over 400,000 ounces of gold per year.

By Delores Louie
Tips in Investing on Gold Mining and Cannabis Stocks

Generally, gold mining and cannabis stocks are two interesting markets to invest into. The returns may be quick and definitely high. Yet, the rate of returns may depend on your investing strategy in gold mining and in Canadian marijuana stocks. Investing in these two fast growing industries basically involves strategies of investments which can be a long-term, short-term, and an active approach.

Investing Strategies in Gold Mining and Cannabis Stocks

Here are helpful tips on different ways to invest on gold mining and weed stock.

1. Long-term passive approach

This approach works by positioning the products depending on the area where the stock amount of gold and weed are expecting to soar high in the future. What you’ll need to do is to sit, relax, and wait for that explosion time to happen. It gives emphasis on continuously building the portfolio to prepare it for the great leap. In addition, through this strategy, the selling of shares are on a steady state while taking profits on the rise.

One of the advantages of this approach is that most volatile factors associated with gold and cannabis stocks are generally neglected. Being a buy and sell approach, this strategy will produce great stocks loss that will definitely decreases in value. However, it will be stable in place waiting for the right timing for value increase. Yet, rebalancing your portfolio for trading purposes is not being practiced. And that’s one downside of the long-term passive approach of investment.

2. Intermediate active approach

Due to volatility of the products involved, reducing of the portfolio for about 50% is a norm within this market. In case difficulty of paper losses have been experienced, this strategy is a better option. This approach revolves around selecting the excellent and subsequently managing those selection to guarantee that they really excel.

Generally, most investors in gold mining and cannabis stocks utilize this active approach in handling their portfolio and controlling the losses.

Investors using this approach are seeking for their returns yearly and are cutting losers that can affect the said returns through automatic trading stops or being constantly vigilant on each stock performance. Selling and buying few shares here and there are being done by those investors in order to increase their returns.

3. Short-term approach

The short-term approach focus on a great value of returns within a very short period of time. This is a “chasing momentum” strategy wherein you must have to know technical charts. Reading of those charts will help a lot in picking your place well and utilize trailing that place to protect your gains or avoid big losses.

By Delores Louie
Invest In Gold With Gold Mine ETF

The shares of gold mines move much faster than the price of gold itself. The reason for this is that if the gold price falls, many mines immediately go into the red. With a gold price that is low for a longer period of time, there are a lot of things that almost fall over and the shares are worth almost nothing.

How to Invest in Gold (ETF, CFD, Gold Miner)

A gold mine has to invest a lot for years before gold comes out of the mine. This often causes a somewhat shaky situation. If the gold price rises, a completely different situation suddenly arises.

The gold mine comes from the red numbers and is going to make a profit. But then suddenly something else counts. That is all the gold that is still in the ground and only has to be removed.

How Does It work?

This works as follows: If a gold mine has a break-even of 1200 dollars per ounce and the gold price falls to 1100 then the mine is worth nothing. Because with all the gold that is lost, 100 dollars per ounce must be added. How much gold there is in the mine is unimportant because it is loss-making.

But when the gold price rises to 1500, people suddenly look at all that gold in the ground. Every ounce then counts as x 300 dollars. Investing in gold mines with an ETF therefore provides enormous leverage should the gold price rise sharply.

It is a well-known fact that with shares of a gold mine you buy much more gold per Euro than you buy with birth bars. Conversely, it also works if the gold price falls you should not have invested in gold mines.

So I do both and an ETF that invests in physical gold and an ETF that invests in gold mines. I also trade actively in both to benefit from small bumps. I see gold as the investment for the next 5 to 10 years.

By Ulyssa Tyrrell
Gold Investment Ideas

Gold is a type of precious metal. This is a form of insurance and protection against inflation, global uncertainty as well as currency debasement. That being said, there are numerous ways how investors could lose their money with gold. Therefore, right before you consider buying this precious metal, it is highly advisable to keep yourself informed first.

Above everything else, there’s a golden rule when buying gold and that’s dollar cost averaging. This is putting fixed value of money into gold on a monthly basis no matter what the price. Now, for an average investor, doing such strategy can help in spreading risks over time and also, lessens downside. Majority of the financial managers are advocating anywhere from 3 to 10 percent in gold while bullish managers are suggesting to allocate as much as 20 percent in the said metal.

There are many types of gold options that you can invest on. You may use the money that you will get from but be sure that you’ll make the right investment.

Gold Bullion

Buy physical gold at different prices from bars, jewelry and coins. Some of the popular gold coins include but not limited to:

  • American Eagle
  • Gauden’s and;
  • American Buffalo

You may store gold in a bank safety deposit box or into your home. You may even buy and sell these metals at local jewelers while other companies let you keep gold with them and even trade metal. When buying gold bullion or coins, steer clear of high premiums.

Rather, you have to buy gold that’s close to the spot price or at least, 10 percent of premium. Basically, the higher the premium, the higher the price of gold will be. This translate to bigger profits of course.

Gold ETFs

ETFs are abbreviation for Exchange Trade Funds. This is a very popular way of acquiring gold in your investment portfolio without the challenge of storing the metal physically. You might want to do research of the respected physically backed exchange trade funds.

Gold ETNs

ETNs are Exchange-Traded Notes. These are debt instruments that are tracking index. What is done here is you give bank money for certain period of time and once it matured, the bank will pay you return as per the performance of what the ETN has been based on. If you have been investing in gold for quite some time, then you may consider taking this path as it is most likely used by those who have higher risk tolerance in gold investment.

By Delores Louie
Different Ways You Can Invest In Gold

Many investors think gold is gold, but it is really important to think carefully about how you want to invest in gold. Below are some examples.

Modern Ways To Invest In Gold

Invest in gold jewelry

Apart from real collectors’ pieces from well-known designers (and you have to understand that), this is not a good idea. Gold in jewelry is often of poor quality. Certainly, that cheap gold purchased on holiday abroad can be a real instinker due to the low gold content.

But also high carat gold jewelry always has the disadvantage that you paid for the gold AND making the jewelry. If you sell it, you just get the kilo price and nothing for making the jewelry back. Too bad ladies but we will not invest in that.

Invest in gold coins and bars

This is already a better choice despite the fact that the difference between buying and selling is still a bit large and therefore can never get in and out quickly.

But it can be a good idea for the longer term because the gold price can double or increase even further. Then you can certainly make a profit. Storing that stuff is a problem but renting a locker can solve that.

Invest in gold with an ETF

Now we look a little better at our goal of investing in gold. No storage problems just like with physical gold and smaller differences in buying and selling, which makes active trading possible.

I invest in gold with an ETF, but there is a better alternative to a rising gold price and that is below.


By Delores Louie
Why Invest In Gold?

Investing in gold is one of the oldest investments but still topical. There are investors who swear by gold, but there are also big opponents who should not know anything about it.

Investing In Gold

With all kinds of ghost stories, people always try to talk the investor into fear of not investing in gold. A fact can never be refuted. That is that over the centuries, gold has always been a good investment that could endure all misery.

It is also no coincidence that worldwide central banks always have heaps of gold bars in safes. We now also know that central banks are very good at controlling markets and therefore never let it happen that for whatever reason their gold reserves would not be worth anything anymore.

You cannot get a better guarantee than the support of central banks with an investment these days. Certainly if you know that they also have a lot of it. I will now discuss the reasons why you need gold and how.

By Delores Louie
Gold Investment – How To Invest In Gold?

As an inexperienced investor, when you think about investing in gold, you wonder what options there are. There are basically two options for investors if you want to invest money in gold:

  • Option: You buy real gold in the form of gold coins and/or gold bars.
  • Option: You make an indirect investment in gold. This can be done, for example, using gold stocks, gold EFs and gold certificates. With this type of investment, you can benefit from the gold price trend without having to buy and store real gold directly.

Investing in gold on the stock exchange: Investing in gold stocks

You can buy shares in gold mines or exploration companies (so-called explorers) and thus become shareholders.

If you are interested in gold stocks, it is better not to put the capital into individual stocks because of the high risk. Especially as a newcomer to the stock exchange. This speculative approach is rather for experienced and risk-conscious investors who can assess the respective risk-reward ratio well.

It is often unclear how much gold companies can find and mine in the gold mines or how high the costs are. Gold mine stocks therefore often crash sharply when the news is bad.

If you want to invest in gold stocks, you’d better buy gold index certificates. This spreads the risk across several stocks. For example, there is the HUI index, which is the most important gold mine index (also called the “Arca Gold Index”). As of January 2019, it contains a total of 15 gold shares.

Of course, the HUI usually benefits first of all from a rising gold price. This means that when the gold price rises, the HUI price usually rises (and vice versa). But there is also an increased risk here, because there may be strong price fluctuations (these have also been greater in recent years than with the gold price).

Gold as an investment with gold certificates and gold funds

This is another way of investing in gold. Gold certificates and listed gold funds or ETFs (definition), which replicate the performance of the gold price or the HUI index just mentioned, are particularly popular here. This means that if, for example, the price of gold increases by 2% in one day, the corresponding gold certificate (or gold ETF) also increases by 2%.

Various banks offer certificates and ETFs with different names. I do not want to give any names (otherwise I might get the impression that I recommend buying a certain financial product, which I definitely do not). But you can just google it or ask the bank or trusted broker.

Warning: In addition to the relatively harmless certificates just mentioned, there are also many other gold derivatives that are significantly more risky. Here you have to be careful as an investor! Be especially careful of leveraged derivatives (these are leveraged certificates, CFDs, warrants, etc.). Large losses can quickly accumulate with these financial instruments.

If you are interested, it is better to buy less risky derivatives with a simpler structure (i.e. some gold certificates that show the gold price development 1 to 1). With the mass of derivatives available, it is easy to lose track of things. Therefore, always read the conditions for the derivative and only invest in the financial products that you really understand.

With gold derivatives and ETFs, there is also a disadvantage that should not be left unmentioned: If the issuer becomes insolvent, the money invested is usually lost (even if this is rather unlikely with a well-known provider). You should always keep that in mind.

Tips when investing money in gold

Gold stocks, gold ETFs and gold certificates can be bought easily and cheaply through online brokers.

In addition to gold, silver is an interesting precious metal (although not as popular as gold). And of course, you can also invest money in silver. As with gold, there are, among other things, silver bars, silver coins, certificates and ETFs.
Beginners of stock exchanges and money investments should better keep their hands off the indirect investment in gold. This is more for investors with experience who have a short or medium-term investment horizon in view. On the other hand, it is worth considering the long-term investment of a small investment as protection against inflation in times of crisis.

IF you are interested in investing in gold, you can contact any licensed stockbroker to talk to you about your needs. You don’t need to have good credit so that you can start trading in gold. If you are thinking of taking out a loan like a no guarantor loan to invest in gold stocks, you may want to consider other options first. While gold is a nice investment, there are still risks involved. Invest smartly and only what you can afford to lose.

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